Monday, February 10, 2014

13-13-13-13 CRAZY But I just have to do this.

In just 13 days I am going to run 13 miles at the Disney Princess Half Marathon for Sarah's 13 years with Rett Syndrome and try to raise $13,000 doing it.

Thirteen is such an unlucky number for most people. Sarah's battle with Rett Syndrome is definitely the epitome of unlucky.

But she is here. She is a beautiful, inspiring young lady who made it to 13.

You see, when she was first diagnosed with Rett Syndrome, they told us she would not live past 12. That was outdated/poor information I soon learned, but that number 12 really stuck in my head. It haunted me.

I could not bring myself to start fundraising for this race until she had successfully gotten past that dreaded 12.

So, here we are. PAST 12.

She has been struggling with Rett for 13 years. So, for every year she has had to cry herself to sleep, scream for help with no one to understand her, be tortured by constantly wringing hands, be spoon-fed by her mother and changed by strangers, I am running a mile.

It sounds really simple when I reread my words, but I'm a little scared. I have not been able to run for a year since tearing my left LCL, so this is going to hurt.

But it can't hurt as much as she does, so here I go.

Please donate to celebrate Sarah's 13th Birthday. Add a note for which mile you want to sponsor and I will hold up a sign with your name on it at that mile! I need you on this journey with me.

So, on your mark - get set - gooooooooooo.  Help me succeed in this crazy goal over the next 13 days!!

All proceeds benefit our nonprofit, Girl Power 2 Cure. All donations are tax-deductible.

Here's the link to donate!


YEAR ONE: Sarah loved Mardi Gras beads. We tied them to her car seat and she would play with them and giggle. She started to commando crawl. The first 9 months of her life was pretty typical - but we spent the last few months of it in a panic. She started to regress and we started our journey to find her diagnosis. This first year was a mix of ups and downs and lots of confusion. Peter was in residency. Pierce was 3. We lived in Mississippi on an Air Force Base. We were very alone. We had to really dig deep. Thank you to our Keesler AFB friends who helped us through these days.

YEAR TWO: No sleep. We had no sleep. We still had no diagnosis, but started in on intensive therapy. I remember flying to Detroit, 7 months pregnant with Gretchen, with Sarah to do a 2-week intensive suit therapy session. 6 hours/day. Lots of tears. Lots of screaming. Both Sarah and me. She showed us the fighter inside. That's when I knew we could do this. It would not be easy, but we would fight. Together.

YEAR THREE - "A word!" 
Still no diagnosis. Still regressing. Lots of screaming in pain, especially at night. So many unknowns. We knew she was "in there" but she couldn't even hold her own head up very well by now. Gretchen was born. And one day Gretchen was crying and Sarah reached out and patted her head and said, "Baby." One of the only 6 words we ever heard her say, but a word!

YEAR FOUR: "No longer alone."
This year was key for Sarah and our whole family. Yes, we all had each other. Yes, we had friends and family. But what about the "outside world?" A few initial outings always ended in tears. She hated even riding in the car. How will she connect? Will anyone help her? Will anyone else believe in her? That answer came with a resounding YES when we were lucky enough to get Sarah placed in Marie Stamm's classroom while living in Illinois when she turned 3. The love she had for all these severely challenged children still brings me to tears. It was my first introduction to this whole "other world" of special needs - the equipment, the adaptations, the possibilities, the community. This year was all about bringing Sarah out into the world and we are so grateful we did.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 17 - Busch Gardens

I spent the day with Gretchen and Pierce at Busch Garden Tampa today! We had a great time! Since we will not be making it to Disney, this was a great substitute -- actually I think this was more fun!

PS Pierce was such a great sport to ride on all the kiddie rides with his sister!

Gretchen with the star of the "Critter Castaways" show -- Jane!

Feb 16 - Great OT session for Sarah

Sarah had a terrific occupational therapy session today! She was thrilled to be inside this cool lyrca sack swing spinning, swinging, bouncing, the works! She was really using her hands well to brace herself.

In talking with the OT, Cheri, we are moving forward with thumb splints for both of her hands. I did not realize how unsteady those joints were and how important they are to her being able to balance on them during transitions. So she will be fit for those on Tues when we go back to Shriner's Hospital to get her new orthotics. So exciting!

Feb 14: Valentine Show

The kids had a wonderful surprise in store for me on Valentine's Day! They made up a play called "The Enchanted Forest," designed a set and used Gretchen's paper dolls as the puppets. Four Rett moms were visiting for our Girl Power 2 Cure Mothers Advisory Board meeting for a few days, so they got to see it too! :-)

The moms surprised me with a cake and gift for an early celebration of my 40th! It was a wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feb 10 - NJ visitors

We had some special visitors today! Late this afternoon, Gretchen's good friend Lilly from NJ came over to play! Her grandfather lives in St. Pete and they were visiting him. She came with her mom, sister and grandpa.

A few words from Pierce:

We went to the park today. There were a lot of other dogs there. Two of them were catching a Frisbee people threw into the water. There was also this small black Labrador puppy that was playing with Zoe.

Then we went home and ate dinner outside. The food was really good. And after that me, Gretchen and her friend Lilly and sister played around.

Feb 9 - Shriners and Swimming

What a way to start off the week! Sarah and I left bright and early to get up to Shriner's Hospital in Tampa -- about an hour away to have her fitted for some new orthotics (foot braces). They were really great. Sarah was calm and relaxed. She sat so well for her xrays. And good news, no spine curvature or hip issues. She looks terrific!

They marked up her feet with magic marker and I thought it was so cute how she crossed her feet in such a nonchalant way.

Then we went home to grab the rest of the gang to head to swim therapy with Sarah. They get to get into the warm pool too! Maggie (our sitter) came as well and got into the water with everyone to help out. THANK YOU MAGGIE!

Gretchen really made some headway on her swimming! I am trying to post a little video of that here -- hopefully it will work.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Feb 8 - Papa's last day

It was a beautiful day today for Papa's send off! We spent the morning at a little beach by our house. The walk over is really neat, through a little neighborhood called "Driftwood" that has a neat trail through to a little bay. Gretchen cooked up lots of scrumptious meals in her coconut pot. Sarah walked all over the place barefoot and giggling! She kept turning towards the water and wanting to stick her toes in! She was really excited.

Peter got to soak in a few more rays before heading back to NJ where a nightshift awaited him immediately upon his return. We miss him so much!!!!

(Pierce calls this one "The Water Elf" aka Gretchen!)